
Dargot, Dead sea


9-11 November 2023 | Dargot, Dead sea

Three days and two nights of magic in the heart of the desert on a cliff overlooking the Dead Sea. The festival is a painting full of beautiful colors: quality workshops with the best teachers and facilitators, music, dance and movement, performances and meditations.

Also this year the festival will be in a slightly smaller format, around 1000 people and will emphasize empowerment through awareness, being and celebration!
love you guys 🙂

The full program will be updated soon!

So What is Nataraj?

The meaning of the word Nataraj in Sanskrit is ‘King of Dance.’ The choice of the name was made out of a true belief that to dance is to live, and through exercising the body one can reach deep meditation and ecstasy! (Yes, this is not a contradiction).

When we dance our energy is often directed outward. If we turn it looking inside, we can experience pleasure from energy flowing through the body in a harmonious and wonderful way. That is why the festival combines a variety of dance and celebration activities with in-depth workshops and introspection. Each of the activities will lead you to a different gateway where you can meet yourself and others, check out how much you want to go deeper through it and maybe make it a way of life or even keep exploring new gateways.

About the venue

Metzoke Dragot is a vacation village situated in the desert on a cliff overlooking the Dead Sea, which means – a breathtaking panoramic view all throughout the three days of the festival. A feeling of grace and wonder in front of creation.

Those who already have been here, feel at home high up next to the spectacular view, a pleasant chai shop on a green plush lawn, a juice bar facing the view, large and comfortable areas as well as ibex that come to visit and add charm.

On a practical level – the parking lot has been renewed, the camping complex is spacious, there are showers and toilets, and you will find cool places to hang out all over. The rooms have been renovated and the whole place is filled with joy and love.

All that remains is to come and live life 🙂

This year's theme - A new Reality

Something new is happening in our reality.

All over the world, people are demanding change.

We want to change the external so that it matches the internal change that is taking place in us.

More than ever, people are willing to let go of the old and familiar and exchange it for a new and more accurate reality.


We have changed.

We see with clearer eyes.

We agree to listen and to see what is being asked.

We refuse to agree to something that is not appropriate or which is unjust, just because that’s the way it is.

We are ready to ask, with great courage,

“If everything I knew until now isn’t compatible,

What is true that will manifest now?”

We decided to dedicate this year’s theme to this new reality.

It already exists.

The one that comes through brave hearts

And looks good.

This year we want to explore, as individuals, as couples, as a community –

What is the new reality?

How it seeks to be realized and what is required of us to realize it.

And now as always,

This reality is something we all share –

What do we want to create together?

Three days of great content!

Depth and silence meet with lightness and flight.

In workshops, performances, ceremonies and meditations.

And as befits Nataraj – A celebration that never ends!

Natraj 23 – A New Reality

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